All of us are future dwellers

Pranathi Bhogaraju
2 min readSep 19, 2020


To say that people don’t have plans or dreams would be a lie. It would also be a lie to think that those dreams and plans always play out the way they are supposed to.

We have, ever since we’ve been capable of thinking, thought of what our futures will be like. It is true that we live inside our heads. And in our heads, we have already lived our lives and grown old. We pretend to know and believe that everything we think of our lives will be true someday.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with dreaming. Dreams are what keep us going.

But having lived as long as we have it is clear as day that life seldom turns out the way we expected it to. When things don’t go ‘according to plan’, fear creeps in. We delve into our fears and imagine how it is going to wreck some element of the fictitious future we have conjured up in our minds.

Life is nothing like the fifteen-year-old you had imagined it to be. And yet, we are happy, aren’t we? We may be carrying resentment and pain, but in general, though, most of us have definitely seen happy days in our lives.

Despite the twenty-something years of knowing that none of what we thought would happen, happened, we are still trying to be the Nostradamus of our lives like we don’t know any better.

We, as an entire generation of followers of life-goals mongers and never settling hustlers, have lived in fear of undermining our own potentials somehow, or not coming up to the ‘standards’ set by these strangers on the internet who seem to have it all at all times. Constantly comparing ourselves to everyone we ever see doing something that we didn’t even know we wanted to do, to begin with.

Getting inspired is one thing, getting discouraged is another. We all have unique lives to lead which, honestly, nobody knows how they will turn out and there is no way to know either. The only thing we have in our control is how we see things that are right in front of us.

To plan for the future is wise but to fear the future is foolish and that is something most of us, including me, have yet to learn.

